Simple, Productive
& Organized.

With HabitGenius, You'll enjoy fast, effortless, and secure habit tracking.

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Your Habits at a Glance .

Welcome to the heart of HabitGenius! Our Habit Listing page provides you with a clear and concise overview of all your daily goals and habits. With a quick glance, you can see your progress, track your achievements, and stay motivated on your habit-forming journey. Whether you're striving for personal development, increased productivity, or academic success, this page keeps your habits organized and accessible, making it easier than ever to reach your goals.

Habit Analytics Overview .

Get a quick snapshot of your habits' performance. Analyze progress, trends, and stats to fine-tune your journey towards success.

What people say .

Great habit tracker app,it has all the things which makes this app a must use for those who want to track their habits in an efficient manner


Uso l’app da circa 4/5 mesi e devo ammettere che mi sto trovando veramente bene! Continuate così.


Got perfect app, all needful features in one app. Better than habitify and habitkit app
